Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I had a fantastic day!! Well, actually, I ended up with a fantastic day. It started out sooo bad. I woke up late. I had to skip a shower (which wasn't that bad since I'd had one the night before), and had to skip breakfast, which did NOT make me a happy camper. I'm a firm believer in taking your time to do something and making sure to have breakfast: the most important meal of the day. If I don't have my oatmeal, then I'm a complete slug the rest of the day, oozing around, barely getting anything accomplished other than junking up other people's progress, and leaving behind nasty, icky, sticky mess wherever I go as the remnants of my fantastic attitude. I made it through till lunch and cheered up a little since I had some food in my stomach. I am the walking epitome of a snickers commercial. Seriously, I could sell some serious snickers if they just followed me around with a camera on a day like today.

After work, I had rehearsal, again, which, in and of itself, was fine. It was the people. Those damn choreographers and their superiority complexes! I waited around for an hour and a freaking half so that we could block the curtain call. If you don't know anything about curtain call, it's simply when the cast comes out on stage, usually in a particular order (from least important to star of the show). They don't tell you how to come out, or anything specific. It's just "Come out on this chord, stand here, bow, back up to the line". It's that simple. As you can imagine, it only takes about five minutes to block and run a time or two to get used to it. So, in short: I waited for an hour and a half without so much as a magazine to read for five freaking minutes of not-even work. I was so mad. And nobody would tell me WHY I couldn't leave. They just said I still had stuff to do and to stick around.

However, my day ended really really well. I started writing a song today that kind of sounds like a mix between Celine Dion's "Fade Away" and Paula Abdul's "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow". I LOVE it. The track itself is pretty much finished. I have a rough draft of the lyrics. All I need to do is add final touches and then record the vocals. It's exciting!! I can't wait until it's finished. :D

But that's all I really have today.

Peace, love, and people that DON'T piss you off ;)

Matty Taylor :)

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