Monday, December 10, 2012

The epitome of a sex scandell and an awesome ass

I downloaded Ke$ha's new album because I am a die-hard fan. Well, to be honest, I'm a die-hard fan of a LOT of music. Everything from Ke$ha, the epitome of a sex scandal, to the classics like Fleetwood Mac, all the way to the classicAL like Chopin and Vivaldi. I love music more than anything. Maybe that's why I've been single for so longer: I'm waiting for the guy that please me the same way music can. Haha anyway, Ke$ha's album is fantastic. Its obviously very dance-pop with some rap and, ironically enough, a sense of classic ballads such as those heard by Fleetwood Mac. It always surprises me how well Ke$ha can sing. Given the subject matter of her songs and the fact that she's ALWAYS waisted (or at least acting like it), you wouldn't expect her vocals to match her popularity but they certainly exceed expectations. Of course, not that its any surprise, there is a decent amount of auto-tune to be heard, but the clever thing about auto-tune that a lot of people don't understand is that she needs to be able to reach the notes she sings and most of the runs have to be decipherable. She can't just talk into the mic and have it come out a brilliant song. Its kind of like running with a knee brace. The runner still has to be able to run and the knee brace doesn't increase speed. All it does is support the runner to make it a little easier.

I also started running over the weekend. Well, restarted. I was giving myself a good once-over in the mirror the other day and I realized just how scrawny my legs have gotten. And hairy. It's been a while since I had shaved them. Don't get me wrong. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being thin or hairy. I love a good manly man or a twink just as much as the next guy but not for myself. Everyone has different ideas about who they want to be... Or in other, more unfortunate cases, who they feel they NEED to be. So, I mapped out a route in my middle-of-nowhere neighborhood that's about two miles starting and ending at my house. I'm gonna start out running every other day until my legs stop being so sore. (I always LOATH the conditioning. It's tiresome. I really should just stop stopping). Then I'll move up to every day and then eventually just start adding to the route until I have a decent run. Master plan and a killer outfit. All I need now is the determination to stick with it. If only I had a running buddy or something like a demented clown with a bloody knife to keep me motivated. In any case, I have to get to bed so I can wake up early and run in the morning. Boo. I hate this already...

Love, peace, and a soon-to-be fantastic ass,

Matty Taylor ;)

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